We at Hawera A/G Church invite you to worship with us.
No matter where you are at on life’s journey, you are welcome here!
Finding a church home is one of the most important things you can do. In a society where people are often separated from family and friends, where isolation is becoming the rule rather than the exception, it's nice to know that there's a place you can be loved, accepted, and forgiven. You are invited to visit and see if this is the place for you.
Please join us for an upcoming worship service, 10am each Sunday.
Our Mission Statement
Update in progress, check back soon...
About A/G New Zealand
The roots of the Assemblies of God Movement in New Zealand are both ancient and modern. Our current testimony to the power and person of the Holy Spirit reaches back over almost two thousand years of church history to the day of Pentecost when the Church was born.
However, it was not until the beginning of the 20th Century that the modern Pentecostal Movement was born when students at a Bible School in Topeka, Kansas, came to the conclusion that the biblical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit was speaking in other tongues. From that point on there were outbreaks of spiritual revival accompanied by Pentecostal phenomena, as in the Welsh Revival of 1904 and at Azusa St, Los Angeles, in 1906. As the message of a new Pentecost spread far and wide it encountered such opposition from the Church of that day, that Pentecostals found it necessary to set up their own church structures, one of which is the Assemblies of God, now found in most countries throughout the world.
Interest in Pentecostal Christianity in New Zealand was evident before World War I, but it was the visits of evangelist Smith Wigglesworth to New Zealand between 1922 and 1924 that launched the Pentecostal Movement in this country. The Assemblies of God in New Zealand were organised following a meeting in Wellington on 29 March 1927.

Our Pastors
Pastor Paul & Michelle Cornish
Paul & Michelle have been serving as the senior pastors at Hawera A/G Church since 2012.
They have a passion for being transformed by Jesus, people living out their best lives in him and seeing Hawera/South Taranaki set free.
Paul and Michelle were previously pastors in Whanganui, Invercargill and Wellington.
They are proud parents of four amazing children and smitten with their two grandchildren.
They are supported by an amazing team of elders Reginald van Lijf, Benjamin Araba, Corrine Coombe and Eleasha Coombe.